Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Redington Rod Line Up start your fishing

Photo credit: Greg Darling - "Love the Minnow"

Over the holidays and during a few email correspondence with George Cook (go to Redington rod expert) and a line discussion or two with Greg Darling (GFS Product Specialist) we put together this Rod Line up for the current Redington rod series. We hope you find it useful and as always if you need any additional info contact us at the Gorge Fly Shop. 541.386.6977 or

Butter stick:

"A  modern twist on an old classic"

Awe, “Pass The Butter” …….. A modern twist on an old classic. This folks is NOT Your Daddy’s Glass stick ! Constructed with New Age “T” Glass VS the “S” Glass of the 1970’s and 80’s providing a far more advanced modem of performance in Glass Fly Rod design. Two Weight Thru Five Weight Models make for simply wonderful “Small Ball” tools that excel for a variety of Trouty uses, from small streams and creeks to select lake and pond use. Some of the neatest trout fisheries both East and West, even in Alaska are of the small water variety that once discovered offer some real gems for the solace seeking Angler. These fisheries are made to order for the Redington Butterstick series like the 370-3 and the 476-3. Not to be overlooked, the 262-3 provides the ultimate in small ball fun fest!

Get some butter right here: Redington Butter.

Line Recommendations:
Rio Gold
Rio Trout LT
Rio Trout LT Double Taper

Classic Trout:

"ease of use cast after cast"

Moderate action format leads the way in Classic Action reminiscent of the World Class Mega All Time Favorite SAGE LL Series Trout Rods. Lovely Clay Brown Blank transcends to a matching Rosewood Reel Seat set a distinctive look to a truly Classic Trout action that lends itself to the angler seeking a relaxed casting stroke in a true trout use rod. Whether you are a dry fly enthusiast or an all day roll cast player you’ll appreciate the ease of use cast after cast. Once that target Critter is on the line, battle transmission is unmistakable as a mere 12”er fights far bigger on this truly parabolic action. Available in four piece models 2 weight thru the venerable 590-4. Two Old School back packer 6 piece models ( 380-6 & 590-6) round out this very popular offering.

Get classy with the Redington Classic Trout.

Line Recommendations:
Rio Gold
Rio InTouch Trout LT


All CORK Handle version/series. See Vapen Red and Black conversation.

Vapen. Red. Black.

Vapen Red / Black:

Both the Vapen Red and NEW Vapen Black (The Rod of “Darth Vapen” ) both feature the Redington Power Grip powered by the unique and highly effective Winn Grip technology that provides today’s angler a new age grip that lessens your grip on the handle creating less tension resulting in a more relaxed, effective format that increases accuracy and improves overall cast ability particularly in “Must Make” cast scenarios like Redfish , Bonefish and Alaskan, Kamchatka Mouse fest scenarios to name a few. The Stealth Black Blank Color of the Vapen Black series matches the rods overall attitude of blue collar, get ‘er done, no nonsense aptitude. Available in 5 thru 12 weights this Fast action series delivers across a wide range of angling challenges.

Go Vapen (standard) or with a little more flash with Vapen Red.
Needing something more. Try the stealthier - "Darth Vapen (Vapen Black).

Line Recommendations:
Rio InTouch Grand
Rio Bonefish QS for the salt scene


src="" width="640">Just add waterWhere performance, cast ability and value meet on the curve, the Redington PATH Rods and select Outfits provide excellent fish-a-bility for a wide range of Fresh and light duty Saltwater applications. PATH Rods are powered by an easy to cast, smooth, Medium-Fast Taper that everyone can get rolling with. Select Outfits in 4 thru 9 weight provide “Just Add Water” readiness in a value based proposition that is simply hard to beat!

Redington Path


Fast and Furious  - The barn burner!
While not for everyone the Redington Torrent Series is a barn burner of line speed application available in 3 thru 10 weight offerings . If your Casting “personality” leans toward Fast Action, blitzing cast tendencies this is one to string up and give a try.

Redington Torrent

Line Recommendations:
Rio InTouch Perception
Rio Intouch Rio Grand


A smooth operator
Interesting Stick here folks. True to form Medium-Fast action that leans back to the moderate side of things earmark this performance series of great value fly rods. An array of “Long Sticks” in 9’ ½”-10” range in 5 thru 7 weight provide the Steelhead, Hard Core Nymph and Lake chasers a super reliable offering at a sub $200. price point. This smooth operator is a “Go To” for many Northwest guides plying both Lake & Stream.

Redington Voyant

Line Recommendations:
Rio Gold
Rio Indicator II
Rio InTouch Xtreme Indicator


"Wallet Saving Fashion", Saltwater Focused!
Big Game performance in “Wallet Saving Fashion” brings the Predator to the forefront for an array of Anglers be it their first Saltwater Focused Fly Rod, a given trip “Backup stick” or an Alaskan Salmon beat down tool the Predator brings both strength and a battle tested report card to the table. Available in 6 thru 14 weights this reliable series will have you seeking out angling destinations without fear both near and far.

Redington Predator

Line Recommendations:
Rio Outbound Short Freshwater
Rio Outbound Short Tropical


Medium-fast Action graphite fly rod
Fly Fishing is complicated and expensive you say…. Naw, grab a Redington Crosswater Rod or better yet, get ya an Outfit and see just how easy it is to get started in this lifetime sport. Rods start at just $69.95 in 4 thru 9 weight two piece offerings with 4-PC Models @ $89.95 . Both 2 and 4 PC. Complete outfits make for great starter sets allowing the entry level angler plenty of room to grow in their new found sport.

Redington Crosswater

Line Recommendations:
Rio Mainstream Trout (the crosswater outfit line)
Rio Grand ( for novice casters)
Rio Gold

Article prepared by: Mike Prine
Gorge Fly Shop - Webmaster

Redington Rods | RIO Fly Lines

"Fly Fish the World with Us"

Redington Form Game Rod 

The Form rod offers beginners and veteran fly casters alike a fun way to practice their casting and improve their form. Enough fun for the whole family!

Available in Lava Red and Wave Blue

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