Wednesday, May 4, 2016

David Brock retires

After a long and distinguished legal career, David Brock retired from practice at the and of May. As readers of this blog will be aware, before joining Keystone Law’s planning law team, David headed up the planning law team of Mills and Reeve in East Anglia. He was Chair of the Law Society’s Planning and Environment Law Committee, and made some significant contributions to the committee’s work on behalf of the legal profession in the planning field. David was largely responsible for the standard draft section 106 agreement jointly published by the Law Society and De-CLoG, and he was
instrumental in getting important changes made to the Bill that became the Localism Act 2011, in particular to modify the effect of the catch-all powers that were originally proposed in respect of ‘concealed’ development.

David certainly won’t be twiddling his thumbs in retirement; he has some very interesting projects in hand, and he will continue to write his blog. I shall be happy to maintain the link to that blog here, and so you will continue to be able to access David’s blog from my Home page by clicking on the link in the left-hand margin.


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