Sunday, April 3, 2016

Travis Wallace Western Waters Guide Service

Travis Wallace - Klickitat Guide

Western Waters Guide Service

Western Waters specialize in chasing steelhead with the fly on the wild and scenic Klickitat River. With a strong run of two salt steelhead averaging in the eight to ten pound range these steelhead are known for fighting hard and their willingness to chase down the fly. Entering the river from June to November allowing anglers a very long window to chase these great fish. 

Wet wading to wool hats, you can find chrome bright fish.

Travis Wallace: Swinging the Klickitat River (Timelapse)

Travis Wallace

Travis Wallace started guiding in 2002 in central Washington. He relocated to Montana to guide on the Bitterroot, Black Foot and Clark Fork for several years before returning to Washington to guide on the Klickitat River. He can be found all summer long chasing some of the hottest summer steelhead in the lower forty-eight. He believes there is no greater angling thrill than watching a steelhead crush the dry
fly. Being an avid spey caster and picking it up before Skagit and Scandi lines were the rage, he feels that learning on the longer lines of yesterday helped him be a better caster today. In addition to getting people into fish, he loves to help people with their two handed rod techniques.

Travis is the owner of Western Waters Guide Service and offers a little something different for his guests. Lodging available in a deluxe 2 bedroom thirty-foot Yurt. 

Full kitchen and  all the comforts found in most homes

You can find more information at:

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